Cucumber is one of those ingredients that can really refresh your palette. There is nothing quite like a delicious cucumber salad on a hot summer day. This Cucumber Salad with Sour Cream and Dill Dressing, compliments of Martha Stewart, is absolutely perfect for a picnic. Just mix lemon juice, sour cream, dill, and a pinch of salt and pepper together and toss in your cucumbers...easy, breezy, just how we like it.
Or try a slightly different variation, this time using broccoli. Eating Well adds a few more ingredients to their Broccoli Salad with Creamy Feta Dressing that mimics the above recipe, yet takes it in a completely different direction with the bright flavor of red bell pepper.
A Watermelon Gazpacho can really liven up your day, and give you plenty of extra time outside the kitchen, without disregarding your taste buds. This recipe, also from Eating Well, only requires the press of a button on your blender or food processor to ensure yummy results.
With all these cool, refreshing flavors, let's bring it home with a cool, creamy dessert! Oreo Cookies and Cream No Bake Cheesecake from Bakers Royale appears too good to be true, but we wouldn't lie to only requires the use of a hand mixer to concoct this creamy, dreamy goodness. Is your mouth watering yet?
With all the time these easy no cook/bake recipes saved you, why not get around to organizing that hall closet you've been putting off...or take that much needed nap (we said we wouldn't judge!)