Notice the gaping space where the basil used to be |
My next idea was to line dry laundry instead of using the dryer. We have a small drying rack on our wall and it gets filled with as much as I can load on there and the rest goes into the dryer, but the majority of the clothes that get line dried end up in the dryer anyways because they are so wrinkle ridden. I know this completely goes against the reason for line drying in the first place-to save energy. I've ended up only hanging underthings and sweaters and tops that clearly state "lie flat to dry" or what-have-you, but it disappoints me and my willingness to try to be more energy conscious, that this isn't working out for me.
I will say we're pretty good at recycling-paper, aluminum, cardboard, but I've gone into crazy "recycler" mode and almost feel like I'm becoming a hoarder. "No you can't throw that away! It can be recycled! But not in our curbside pickup, it has to go to the recycling center. We have to drive there and drop it off."
Things to be recycled OR things I think can be recycled (still doing some research) |
My husband just looks at me like I'm crazy. And 1/2 of our garage has items large and small that need to be driven over to the recycling center. Which we'll eventually get day :)
With all that being said-sure you're likely to have a failure or two or even slip up-yes you threw some junk mail away in the trashcan instead of the recycling bin. The point is you're trying. And yes, you ARE making a difference.
Did you know:
Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours -- or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline.
Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
A single quart of motor oil, if disposed of improperly, can contaminate up to 2,000,000 gallons of fresh water.
Source- (Check out this website for more great tips)
So think about starting small. Even if you start off only doing it half the time, maybe you can make it into a habit...and maybe you can teach your family...and then you'll be doing your part to make the world a little better one green step at a time.